Wondering how to make your apartment complex safer for residents?

Apartment security is one of the most important parts of owning or managing a complex. If there are security issues, you’ll have a hard time keeping residents or getting new ones. You might even open yourself up to the possibility of a lawsuit if you don’t take proper security measures.

However, even if you think you’ve been vigilant about security, there are likely some things you haven’t yet thought of. Keep reading to find out how to make your properties safer!

1. High-Security Locks

One of the simplest ways to boost security is to use better locks. Not sure what kind of locks you have? Then they probably aren’t all that secure.

Just because you buy your locks from a well-known manufacturer doesn’t mean they’re the best. You need to find out if you’re using the wrong locks for the security you really need.

A lock can be well-made, and still not secure enough. It’s all about the type of lock. Some are simply easier to break than others.

Depending on the layout of your apartment complex, the threats it faces will be different. However, when someone tries to force entry through a door, they usually do it by kicking. If you want to make your apartment more secure, you’ll need to find out how much force your deadbolts can hold up to.

If they won’t stand up in the face of kicking, you definitely need to up your apartment security. However, one good thing about an apartment is that there are plenty of neighbors around. If someone has to work too hard to get inside, they’ll probably get caught before they succeed.

However, some criminals do try other, more sneaky ways. If these methods are popular in your area, you’ll need to find locks that are difficult to pick.

2. Better Windows

It’s easy to forget that windows are a simple entry point for criminals. To protect residents, you should install better windows that make forced entry difficult.

Of course, you won’t have to worry about the windows if they’re high off the ground, and there’s no fire escapes or trees that lead to them. But it’s important to properly secure any accessible windows, including those on the first floor.

If the front window is right by the door, it’s even more important to secure it. Otherwise, a thief can easily get through the door as soon as they get through the window. This makes it easier for them to get in and take valuables out.

Street-facing windows are also highly vulnerable, since they can easily be watched and scoped out. They allow criminals to see what times people are home, and maybe even what they have to steal. No matter what kinds of vulnerable windows the complex has, it’s your job to help secure them.

In some places, putting bars over windows is standard. But if that’s not typical for your neighborhood, it will look bad to residents. Even though it’s effective, it sends a bad message and isn’t visually pleasing.

Instead, consider applying a layer of window security film. It can’t be seen, but it keeps the glass from breaking, even after multiple impacts.

3. Stronger Doors

The next obvious entry point is the door. Even if your locks are strong, they won’t do any good on flimsy doors.

You can easily make the doors stronger without spending a lot or changing the way the doors look. The front door can make or break an apartment’s security, so it’s worth it to spend some time making it strong.

Try replacing the screws on the hinges and strike plate with three-inch screws. These longer screws make it much harder to break down the door. If a criminal tries to kick down the door, they’ll have to keep at it for a long time before they can get in.

You’ll also need to make sure the door itself is strong. If the hinges and locks are strong, the door itself will still break under pressure. Front doors need to be solid-core, not the hollow-core doors that are used inside an apartment. In fact, it’s illegal to use hollow-core doors as outside doors in some places.

Sometimes, it’s also a good idea to install a security screen that adds a new layer of protection. You’ll need to make sure the screen can also stand up to an attack, though. And since security screens can look unattractive, like window bars, you’ll also want to think about how they’ll affect the property’s appearance.

4. Make Observations

Every apartment complex is different. To thoroughly combat potential threats, you’ll need to make observations about your property’s unique weak points and then take action.

Make sure to check the break-in statistics for your area to get an idea of the most common kinds of threats. Then, examine your property for weak points.

For example, if your location has a gate, you’ll need to consider gate security so unauthorized people can’t easily enter. Keeping strangers away from the complex is one of the best ways to make it more secure for your residents.

5. Secure Parking

Your residents should be able to park properly and securely in the complex, if space allows.

If your complex doesn’t offer secure parking, you should still make information about car safety available to residents. Make sure they know not to leave valuables in the car, for example. Otherwise, your complex might become a target for thieves who know the residents there are lax about security.

Ready to Beef up Your Apartment Security?

Apartment security is about more than just keeping residents safe. Although that’s the most important reason to invest in security, you also need it so your complex can have a healthy future.

If a lot of break-ins happen, people will start to move out. You’ll have a harder time getting people to move in, and might even end up with the wrong kind of residents. Protect your property’s reputation by keeping your residents safe and secure.

In addition to these steps, your apartment will also benefit from having a security guard on site. Contact us to learn more.